Throughout her independent musical career, spanning many albums, EP's, and collaborations, Liz is getting ready to release her first solo album under the moniker de ROCHE (her last name, French for 'rock').
As de ROCHE, Liz digs into her raw emotionality to create an idiosyncratic style she bravely embraces. Her songs span multiple genres such as R&B, Electronic, Soul, Folk, and Pop.
de ROCHE serves up tender yet strong songs based on real heartache and interpersonal revelations. Liz is a queer, gender-fluid, lifelong student, lover and explorer of music. She makes meaningful music that impacts people on a deeply personal level.
Composed & Recorded by / Liz DeRoche
Mixed & Mastered by / Ned Douglas

Creative block
What is it? Why does it happen? When does it occur? How do I move through it?
I’m offering myself this space as a place to write when I’m in the throes of a creative block. My intention is to acknowledge the constraints within myself in order to better understand how to move through them and create completely new ways of being.
For me, a creative block feels all-consuming and physically devastating. It manifests as depression: sadness, tearfulness, emptiness, hopelessness, irritability, anxiety, slowed thinking, feelings of worthlessness, trouble thinking, muscle pain, headaches, and low-level suicidal ideation. It’s a very familiar sensation, one that I’ve sought solace from since my childhood. The addiction to this pain is not new, but the desire to offer myself alternate ways of being certainly is.